
Mibew Messenger provides an ability to heavily alter its look'n'feel in a number of ways. Here is the list of parts that can be themed:

Theming chat button

Graphical chat buttons could have different outlook depending on their style that could be specified during the process of button code generation.

Usually the button contains some text, that's why button styles considered to be tied to localization. So appropriate images should be placed in the directory of a locale, i.e. in locales/<2-letter code>/button/.

The name of a button image has a special format: <name of the style>_<button state>.<extension>, where <button state> should be either 'on' (for an image that is shown if there are operators ready to chat) or 'off' (for an image that is shown if there are no free operators), and <extension> should be either 'gif' or 'png'.

If there are images for both states of a button, the appropriate style will be automatically available for the related locale in the button generation form.

Theming chat window

Styles for the chat window are stored in styles/chats/ directory, with each style in its own subdirectory. For example, the style named 'default' is stored in styles/chats/default/ directory.

Mibew Messenger automatically scans the styles directory, so new chat styles becomes available in the button generation form and at the 'Settings' page immediately after addition.

Here is the description of files and directories that are used in the 'default' style (which is, obviously, the default style for chat windows in Mibew Messenger):

  • chat.css: the main CSS file of the style. Connected in src/mibew/styles/chats/default/templates_src/server_side/_layout.handlebars.
  • chat_ie7.css: additional CSS file that is used only in IE7. Connected in src/mibew/styles/chats/default/templates_src/server_side/chat.handlebars.
  • config.yml: style configuration. Contains information about the style and its options.
  • iframe.css: CSS file used to customize the chat popup. Its name and path are specified in config.yml.
  • images/: directory containing all images used in CSS files and in the markup of style templates.
  • js/source/: directory containing raw JavaScript files used in the style.
  • js/compiled/scripts.js: compiled, minified and merged JavaScript files. Connected in styles/chats/default/templates_src/server_side/chat.handlebars.
  • screenshots/: directory containing previews for the style.
  • templates_src/server_side/: directory containing Handlebars templates to be rendered at the Server side.
  • templates_src/client_side/: directory contanining raw Handlebars.js templates to be rendered at the Client side.
  • templates_compiled/cliend_side/templates.js: compiled and merged Handlebars.js templates to be used at the Client side.

The style needs to be built (with its JavaScripts and templates compiled) before use. See src/gulpfile.js (chat-styles, chat-styles-handlebars, chat-styles-js tasks) for more info.

If one needs to create a custom style, it is possible to copy the default style and use it as a starting point. But one should be aware that probably it will be neccessary to alter the Gulp tasks mentioned above.

Theming invitation

Styles for invitations are stored in styles/invitations/ directory, with each style in its own subdirectory. For example, the style named 'default' is stored in styles/invitations/default/ directory.

Mibew Messenger automatically scans the styles directory, so new invitation styles becomes available in the button generation form and at the 'Settings' page immediately after addition.

Here is the description of files and directories that are used in the 'default' style (which is, obviously, the default style for invitations in Mibew Messenger):

  • 24x24.png: image, used in invite.css.
  • close.gif: image, used in invite.css.
  • config.yml: style configuration. Contains information about the style and its options.
  • invite.css: CSS file defining the outlook of the invitation popup.
  • screenshots/: directory containing previews for the style.

If one needs to create a custom invitation style, it is possible to copy the default style and use it as a starting point.

Theming administrative interface

Styles for the administrative interface of Mibew Messenger are stored in styles/pages/ directory, with each style in its own subdirectory. For example, the style named 'default' is stored in styles/pages/default/ directory.

Mibew Messenger automatically scans the styles directory, so new interface styles becomes available at the 'Settings' page immediately after addition.

Here is the description of files and directories that are used in the 'default' style (which is, obviously, the default style for the administrative interface of Mibew Messenger):

  • config.yml: style configuration. Contains information about the style and its options.
  • css/: directory containing CSS files of the style.
  • images: directory containing images used in CSS files and in the markup of style templates.
  • js/: directory containing JavaScripts connected in the markup of style templates.
  • screenshots/: directory containing previews for the style.
  • templates_src/server_side/: directory containing Handlebars templates to be rendered at the Server side.
  • templates_src/client_side/: directory contanining raw Handlebars.js templates to be rendered at the Client side.
  • templates_compiled/cliend_side/templates.js: compiled and merged Handlebars.js templates to be used at the Client side.

The style needs to be built (with its templates compiled) before use. See src/gulpfile.js (page-styles task) for more info.

If one needs to create a custom style, it is possible to copy the default style and use it as a starting point. But one should be aware that probably it will be neccessary to alter the Gulp task mentioned above.