Server side events

Mibew Messenger provides Events subsystem that can be used by plugins. All events logic encapsulated inside \Mibew\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcher class.

There are several common actions that can be done with the event dispatcher:

  • attach a listener to an event using \Mibew\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcher::attachListener() method.
  • detach a listener from an event using \Mibew\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcher::detachListener() method.
  • trigger an event using \Mibew\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcher::triggerEvent() method.

To get more info about these actions take a look at the source code of \Mibew\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcher class.

List of events

Ban events


The event can be referenced using the value of \Mibew\EventDispatcher\Events::BAN_CREATE constant.

This event is triggered after a ban has been created. An associative array with the following items is passed to event handlers:

  • 'ban': an instance of \Mibew\Ban class, the state of the created ban.


The event can be referenced using the value of \Mibew\EventDispatcher\Events::BAN_UPDATE constant.

This event is triggered after a ban has been saved. An associative array with the following items is passed to event handlers:

  • 'ban': an instance of \Mibew\Ban class, the state of the ban after update.
  • 'original_ban': an instance of \Mibew\Ban class, the state of the ban before update.


The event can be referenced using the value of \Mibew\EventDispatcher\Events::BAN_DELETE constant.

This event is triggered after a ban has been deleted. An associative array with the following items is passed to event handlers:

  • 'id': integer, ID of the deleted ban.

Button events


The event can be referenced using the value of \Mibew\EventDispatcher\Events::BUTTON_GENERATE constant.

This event is triggered after a button has been generated. An associative array with the following items is passed to event handlers:

  • 'button': an instance of \Canteen\HTML5\Fragment class, representation of the markup of the generated button.
  • 'generator': an instance of \Mibew\Button\Generator\GeneratorInterface class that was used for button generation.

Cron events


The event can be referenced using the value of \Mibew\EventDispatcher\Events::CRON_RUN constant.

This event is triggered when system cron tasks are running (more specifically after the statistics calculation but before the check for updates). It provides plugins an ability to perform custom maintenance operations.

Group events


The event can be referenced using the value of \Mibew\EventDispatcher\Events::GROUP_CREATE constant.

This event is triggered after a group has been created. An associative array with the following items is passed to event handlers:

  • 'group': array containing all data fields of the created group. See create_group() function in libs/groups.php file for more info.


The event can be referenced using the value of \Mibew\EventDispatcher\Events::GROUP_UPDATE constant.

This event is triggered after a group has been saved. An associative array with the following items is passed to event handlers:

  • 'group': array, the state of the group after update.
  • 'original_group': array, the state of the group before update.


The event can be referenced using the value of \Mibew\EventDispatcher\Events::GROUP_DELETE constant.

This event is triggered after a group has been deleted. An associative array with the following items is passed to event handlers:

  • 'id': integer, ID of the deleted group.

Update operators

The event can be referenced using the value of \Mibew\EventDispatcher\Events::GROUP_UPDATE_OPERATORS constant.

This event is triggered after a set of operators belonging to a group has been altered. An associative array with the following items is passed to event handlers:

  • 'group': array containing all data fields of the group.
  • 'original_operators': array, the list of IDs of operators before update.
  • 'operators': array, the list of IDs of operators after update.

Invitation events


The event can be referenced using the value of \Mibew\EventDispatcher\Events::INVITATION_CREATE constant.

This event is triggered after an invitation has been created. An associative array with the following items is passed to event handlers:

  • 'invitation': an instance of \Mibew\Thread class, the state of the thread related to the invitation.


The event can be referenced using the value of \Mibew\EventDispatcher\Events::INVITATION_ACCEPT constant.

This event is triggered after an invitation has been accepted by a visitor. An associative array with the following items is passed to event handlers:

  • 'invitation': an instance of \Mibew\Thread class, the state of the thread related to the invitation.


The event can be referenced using the value of \Mibew\EventDispatcher\Events::INVITATION_REJECT constant.

This event is triggered after an invitation has been rejected by a visitor. An associative array with the following items is passed to event handlers:

  • 'invitation': an instance of \Mibew\Thread class, the state of the thread related to the invitation.


The event can be referenced using the value of \Mibew\EventDispatcher\Events::INVITATION_IGNORE constant.

This event is triggered after an invitation has been ignored by a visitor and was automatically closed by the system. An associative array with the following items is passed to event handlers:

  • 'invitation': an instance of \Mibew\Thread class, the state of the thread related to the invitation.

Operator events


The event can be referenced using the value of \Mibew\EventDispatcher\Events::OPERATOR_AUTHENTICATE constant.

This event is triggered if an operator cannot be authenticated by the system (i.e. the operator is not logged in yet). It provides plugins an ability to implement custom authentication logic. An associative array with the following items is passed to event handlers:

  • 'operator': array, if a plugin has extracted operator from the incoming request, it should populate the array with the operator's data. See update_operator() function in libs/operator.php file for more info.
  • 'request': an instance of \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request class, incoming request. Can be used by a plugin to extract an operator.

Log in

The event can be referenced using the value of \Mibew\EventDispatcher\Events::OPERATOR_LOGIN constant.

This event is triggered after an operator has been logged in using the standard login form. An associative array with the following items is passed to event handlers:

  • 'operator': array containing all data fields of the operator.
  • 'remember': boolean, indicates whether the system should "remember" the operator.

Log out

The event can be referenced using the value of \Mibew\EventDispatcher\Events::OPERATOR_LOGOUT constant.

This event is triggered after an operator has been logged out.


The event can be referenced using the value of \Mibew\EventDispatcher\Events::OPERATOR_CREATE constant.

This event is triggered after an operator has been created. An associative array with the following items is passed to event handlers:

  • 'operator': array containing all data fields of the operator.


The event can be referenced using the value of \Mibew\EventDispatcher\Events::OPERATOR_UPDATE constant.

This event is triggered after an operator has been saved. An associative array with the following items is passed to event handlers:

  • 'operator': array, the state of the operator after update.
  • 'original_operator': array, the state of the operator before update.


The event can be referenced using the value of \Mibew\EventDispatcher\Events::OPERATOR_DELETE constant.

This event is triggered after an operator has been deleted. An associative array with the following items is passed to event handlers:

  • 'id': integer, ID of the deleted operator.

Page events


The event can be referenced using the value of \Mibew\EventDispatcher\Events::PAGE_ADD_CSS constant.

This event is triggered before CSS assets are attached to a page of the administrative interface of Mibew Messenger. It provides plugins an ability to connect pages to custom CSS files or add inline styles to pages. An associative array with the following items is passed to event handlers:

  • 'request': an instance of \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request class. CSS files will be attached to the requested page.
  • 'css': array of assets. Each asset can be either a string with the relative URL of a CSS file or an array with 'content', 'type' and 'weight' items. See \Mibew\Asset\AssetManagerInterface::getCssAssets() for more info. One should modify this array to add (or remove) extra CSS files.

Add JavaScript

The event can be referenced using the value of \Mibew\EventDispatcher\Events::PAGE_ADD_JS constant.

This event is triggered before JavaScript assets are attached to a page of the administrative interface of Mibew Messenger. It provides plugins an ability to connect pages to custom JavaScript files or add inline scripts to pages. An associative array with the following items is passed to event handlers:

  • 'request': an instance of \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request class. JavaScript files will be attached to the requested page.
  • 'js': array of assets. Each asset can be either a string with the relative URL of a JavaScript file or an array with 'content', 'type' and 'weight' items. See \Mibew\Asset\AssetManagerInterface::getJsAssets() for more info. One should modify this array to add (or remove) extra JavaScript files.

JavaScipt plugin options

The event can be referenced using the value of \Mibew\EventDispatcher\Events::PAGE_ADD_JS_PLUGIN_OPTIONS constant.

This event is triggered before options of JavaScript plugins are attached to a page. It provides plugins an ability to pass some data to the Client side. An associative array with the following items is passed to event handlers:

  • 'request': an instance of \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request class. Options will be attached to the requested page.
  • 'plugins': associative array, whose keys are names of plugins and values are their options. One should modify this array to add (or alter) plugins options.

Resource events

Access denied

The event can be referenced using the value of \Mibew\EventDispatcher\Events::RESOURCE_ACCESS_DENIED constant.

This event is triggered if the access to a resource is denied. An associative array with the following items is passed to event handlers:

  • 'request': an instance of \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request class, incoming request object.
  • 'response': an instance of \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response class, if a plugin wants to send a custom response to a Client it should attach a response object to this field.

Not found

The event can be referenced using the value of \Mibew\EventDispatcher\Events::RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND constant.

This event is triggered if a resource is not found. An associative array with the following items is passed to event handlers:

  • 'request': an instance of \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request class, incoming request object.
  • 'response': an instance of \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response class, if a plugin wants to send a custom response to a Client it should attach a response object to this field.

Routing events


The event can be referenced using the value of \Mibew\EventDispatcher\Events::ROUTES_ALTER constant.

This event is triggered after all routes has been loaded. It provides plugins an ability to alter the routes collection before it will be used. An associative array with the following items is passed to event handlers:

  • 'routes': an instance of \Symfony\Component\Routing\RouteCollection class.

Thread events

Function call

The event can be referenced using the value of \Mibew\EventDispatcher\Events::THREAD_FUNCTION_CALL constant.

This event is triggered if an API function is called at the Client side in the Chat application, but the system is not aware of this function.

Plugins can implement custom API functions by attaching handlers to this event. If a plugin should return some results, it should use 'results' element of the event arguments array (see below).

An associative array with the following items is passed to event handlers:

  • 'request_processor': an instance of \Mibew\RequestProcessor\ThreadProcessor class that handles the current call.
  • 'function': string, name of the function that was called.
  • 'arguments': associative array of arguments passed to the function.
  • 'results': array, the list of results of the function call.

Here is an example of the event handler:

public function callHandler(&$function)
    // Ensure that the function we want to implement was called.
    if ($function['function'] === 'microtime') {
        // Check some function's arguments.
        $as_float = empty($function['arguments']['as_float'])
            ? false
            : $function['arguments']['as_float'];
        // Invoke the function and return the results.
        $function['results']['time'] = microtime($as_float);


The event can be referenced using the value of \Mibew\EventDispatcher\Events::THREAD_CREATE constant.

This event is triggered after a thread has been created. An associative array with the following items is passed to event handlers:

  • 'thread': an instance of \Mibew\Thread class, the state of the created thread.


The event can be referenced using the value of \Mibew\EventDispatcher\Events::THREAD_UPDATE constant.

This event is triggered after a thread has been saved. An associative array with the following items is passed to event handlers:

  • 'thread': an instance of \Mibew\Thread class, the state of the thread after update.
  • 'original_thread': an instance of \Mibew\Thread class, the state of the thread before update.


The event can be referenced using the value of \Mibew\EventDispatcher\Events::THREAD_DELETE constant.

This event is triggered after a thread has been deleted. An associative array with the following items is passed to event handlers:

  • 'id': integer, ID of the deleted thread.


The event can be referenced using the value of \Mibew\EventDispatcher\Events::THREAD_CLOSE constant.

This event is triggered after a thread has been closed. An associative array with the following items is passed to event handlers:

  • 'thread': an instance of \Mibew\Thread class, the state of the closed thread.

Post message

The event can be referenced using the value of \Mibew\EventDispatcher\Events::THREAD_POST_MESSAGE constant.

This event is triggered before a message has been posted to a thread. It provides plugins an ability to alter the message itself and/or its kind or options. An associative array with the following items is passed to event handlers:

  • 'thread': an instance of \Mibew\Thread class, the state of the thread.
  • 'message_kind': integer, a kind of the message. See KIND_* constants in \Mibew\Thread for more info.
  • 'message_body': string, a body of the message.
  • 'message_options': associative array, the list of options passed to \Mibew\Thread::postMessage() method as a third argument.

Alter messages

The event can be referenced using the value of \Mibew\EventDispatcher\Events::THREAD_GET_MESSAGES_ALTER constant.

This event is triggered after messages related to a thread has been loaded. It provides plugins an ability to alter messages. An associative array with the following items is passed to event handlers:

  • 'thread': an instance of \Mibew\Thread class, the state of the thread.
  • 'messages': array, the list of messages. Each message is an associative array. See the return value of \Mibew\Thread::getMessages() method for more info.

User is ready (since Mibew Messenger 2.1.0)

The event can be referenced using the value of \Mibew\EventDispatcher\Events::THREAD_USER_IS_READY constant.

This event is triggered after the thread has been created, the user has successfully passed pre-chat survey and all system messages has been sent to him. This event is not triggered if there are no operators online and therefore the chat cannot be started. An associative array with the following items is passed to event handlers:

  • 'thread': an instance of \Mibew\Thread class, the state of the thread.

Users events

Alter threads

The event can be referenced using the value of \Mibew\EventDispatcher\Events::USERS_UPDATE_THREADS_ALTER constant.

This event is triggered before the list of threads is sent to the Users application on the Client side. It provides plugins an ability to alter the list. A plugin can attach some custom fields to each thread or even completely replace the whole list. An associative array with the following items is passed to event handlers:

  • 'threads': array of threads, each item is the data related to a single thread. See \Mibew\RequestProcessor\UsersProcessor\apiUpdateThreads() method for more info.

Load visitors

The event can be referenced using the value of \Mibew\EventDispatcher\Events::USERS_UPDATE_VISITORS_LOAD constant.

This event is triggered before the list of active site visitors is loaded to be sent to the Users application on the Client side. It provides plugins an ability to load, sort and/or trim the visitors list. An associative array with the following items is passed to event handlers:

  • 'visitors': array of visitors, each item is the data related to a single visitor. Each visitor array must contain at least following keys: 'id', 'userName', 'userAgent', 'userIp', 'remote', 'firstTime', 'lastTime', 'invitations', 'chats', 'invitationInfo'. If there are no active visitors, an empty array should be used.

If a plugin will not set the 'visitors' item, the default system loader will be used.

Alter visitors

The event can be referenced using the value of \Mibew\EventDispatcher\Events::USERS_UPDATE_VISITORS_ALTER constant.

This event is triggered before the list of active site visitors list is sent to the Users application on the Client side. It provides plugins an ability to alter the list. A plugin can attach some custom fields to each visitor or even completely replace the whole list. An associative array with the following items is passed to event handlers:

  • 'visitors': array of visitors, each item is the data related to a single visitor. See "Load visitors" event and \Mibew\RequestProcessor\UsersProcessor\apiUpdateVisitors() method for more info.

Function call

The event can be referenced using the value of \Mibew\EventDispatcher\Events::USERS_FUNCTION_CALL constant.

This event is triggered if an API function is called at the Client side in the Users application, but the system is not aware of this function.

Plugins can implement custom API functions by attaching handlers to this event. If a plugin should return some results, it should use 'results' element of the event arguments array (see below).

An associative array with the following items is passed to event handlers:

  • 'request_processor': an instance of \Mibew\RequestProcessor\UsersProcessor class that handles the current call.
  • 'function': string, name of the function that was called.
  • 'arguments': associative array of arguments passed to the function.
  • 'results': array, the list of results of the function call.

Here is an example of the event handler:

public function callHandler(&$function)
    // Ensure that the function we want to implement is called.
    if ($function['function'] === 'microtime') {
        // Check some function's arguments.
        $as_float = empty($function['arguments']['as_float'])
            ? false
            : $function['arguments']['as_float'];
        // Invoke the function and return the results.
        $function['results']['time'] = microtime($as_float);

Visitor events


The event can be referenced using the value of \Mibew\EventDispatcher\Events::VISITOR_CREATE constant.

This event is triggered when a visitor has been tracked by the Widget for the first time. An associative array with the following items is passed to event handlers:

  • 'visitor': array populated with the data of a visitor. See returned value of track_get_visitor_by_id() function from libs/track.php for more info.


The event can be referenced using the value of \Mibew\EventDispatcher\Events::VISITOR_TRACK constant.

This event is triggered every time a visitor has been tracked by the Widget. An associative array with the following items is passed to event handlers:

  • 'visitor': array populated with the data of a visitor. See returned value of track_get_visitor_by_id() function from libs/track.php for more info.

Note that when a visitor will be tracked by the Widget for the first time, initially the "Create" event will be triggered, and the "Track" event will be triggered only afterwards.

Delete old

The event can be referenced using the value of \Mibew\EventDispatcher\Events::VISITOR_DELETE_OLD constant.

This event is triggered after old visitors have been deleted. An associative array with the following items is passed to event handlers:

  • 'visitors': array, the list of IDs of removed visitors.

Widget events

Alter response

The event can be referenced using the value of \Mibew\EventDispatcher\Events::WIDGET_RESPONSE_ALTER constant.

This event is triggered every time the Widget data is ready to be sent. An associative array with the following items is passed to event listeners:

  • 'visitor': array populated with the data of a visitor. See returned value of track_get_visitor_by_id() function from libs/track.php for more info.
  • 'request' an instance of \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request class, incoming request object.
  • 'response': array, a set of data that will be sent to the Widget. See description of its stucture and an example use case below.
  • 'route_url_generator': an instance of \Mibew\Routing\Generator\SecureUrlGeneratorInterface class.
  • 'asset_url_generator': an instance of \Mibew\Asset\Generator\UrlGeneratorInterface class.

This event can be used to perform something at the page the visitor is currenlty browsing.

For example we can call a function every time the Widget gets a response from the Server. Here is the event listener code from a plugin:

public function callHandler(&$args)
    // This is just a shortcut for the URL generator.
    $g = $args['asset_url_generator'];

    // External libraries could be loaded before the function will be
    // called. There could be as many libraries as needed (even none).
    // Keys of the 'load' array are IDs of the libraries and values are
    // their URLs.
    $args['response']['load']['the_lib'] = '';
    $args['response']['load']['the_func'] = $g->generate($this->getFilesPath() . '/func.js');

    // The 'handlers' array contains a list of functions that should be
    // called.
    $args['response']['handlers'][] = 'usefulFunc';

    // The 'dependencies' array contains a list of all libraries a function depends on.
    // In this example 'usefulFunc' depends on libraries with IDs equal to 'the_lib'
    // and 'the_func'.
    $args['response']['dependencies']['usefulFunc'] = array('the_lib', 'the_func');

    // Some extra data could be passed to the function too.
    $args['response']['data']['usefulFunc'] = array('time' => microtime(true));

Here is the JavaScript part of the example:

(function(Mibew) {
    // Pay attention to the full function name. All callable functions must be
    // defined as a properties of Mibew.APIFunctions object.
    Mibew.APIFunctions.usefulFunc = function(data) {
        // Do some job here.